Trauma is something that affects many people today. All over the world people experience different kinds of trauma. There are different types of trauma diagnosis; what they have in common is that they all involve pain to varying degrees.
A year ago I was diagnosed with so-called complex PTSD. Before that I lived without a diagnosis and had a hard time in many ways. Like many other people who suffer from painful emotions and stress, I struggled to keep my inner self in check. Nothing worked until I started meditating.
Through this meditation, you can empty your mind of traumatic images in three simple steps. The method means that you - under personal guidance in a safe environment - look back on your life, reflect and empty out/let go.
People with trauma often find it difficult to talk about and trust people because of shame and fear. I never thought I would make it through last year, but this meditation has given me the tools to understand and deal with my trauma. The meditation guides have helped me a lot to overcome something that really hasn't been easy. I am deeply grateful for the help I received from the guides and their understanding of my problem.
I want to emphasize that it takes work and effort to heal. Like anything of value in this life, meditation requires effort, patience, and determination. Meditating is not like taking medicine prescribed by a doctor. Such medications often cause side effects or other symptoms. This meditation does not have any harmful side effects. On the contrary – this meditation method gives you the best possible side effects! It clears away the symptoms of trauma and sufferings. In my case, for example, the main "side effect" has been wisdom!
There is nothing better than being freed from the false mind. Try it yourself and see! You risk losing nothing but your pain, your suffering, and your doubts. Looking back, and reflecting/recalling and letting go has helped me get rid of my traumatic images. I am so grateful to share this meditation method with you!
Happy meditation!